White Bean @Darkmaster603

Age 33, Male

Composer/Sound desig


Fort Wayne, IN

Joined on 12/30/03

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An interesting dream I had

Posted by Darkmaster603 - October 25th, 2010

The purpose of me typing this is so I would not forget anything. I didn't write this in an easy to read format, or story telling format.

Background information. I'm 19, and a musician. I live in a city that doesn't offer much in my as far as my career goes (classical guitar, or music in general).
I'm dating a 16 year old (almost 17) who's immature a lot of times, and doesn't have any plans whatsoever for her future, and plans not to have any plans.
She also hates my music, and likes shitty bands like breathe carolina and blood on the dancer floor.
All of the BG info applies:

It starts off with me driving. Some reason I'm trying to get to another city or state, I think I'm trying to get to a bigger city.
I drive through this small town in the country when half way through it my cars tire goes flat and some sort of belt in my car comes undone.
I pull over to the side of the road and try to fix it. I'm near a lake and what looks like other peoples houses. Anyways, I'm fixing my car
When someone asks if I'm having trouble. I tell them no and I'm fixing it. I talk to the neighbors beacuse they came out to say hi or something,
then after a few minutes I turn around to see that women who asked me if I was having trouble actually towed my car away. I feel this part of my
dream served no real purpose, except maybe why I stayed in the town for so long instead of leaving.

[Some reason the town is called goodsprings, maybe it's because I've been playing too much new vegas.]

I go around to meet everyone in town. It's a small town, but at (later) times it's a bigger town, very hard to describe. Anyways, I go and meet
some people, and become friends with a lot of the people around my age (At the time I think I'm a bit older than 19, maybe early twenties). There is an
older asian guy (probably 30's or 40's), and really attractive girl who looks out of place in a town like in my dream, another girl who reminds me of
another friend of mine, and two guys I can't remember much about. They ask what I do, yadda yadda, tell them I play guitar. I actually had two of
my nylon string guitars and an electric guitar and an amp with me. I play them some stuff on both, but I get the feeling they like the electric more.

[I think some stuff happened between this point and the next, but I forget what happened. I don't even remember if it just cut straight to this.]

The scene changes to night all of the sudden, and me and the group of friends with a couple other people are hanging out in this tall, fancy building.
It's obvious there is a party going on. I forget what exactly happens that night but we all realize we have a "thing for one another".
By that I mean one guy likes the other girl and vice versa. I'm going to call everyone by a number, because I forget their names. I thought girl 1
liked guy 1, and I know that girl 2 likes guy 2. [The thing I didn't know until later is, guy 1 likes girl 1 (the attractive one), but girl 1 likes me.
I felt like the 5th wheel.]

Moving on.

after the party we are all sitting outside on a grassy hill and looking ast the stars in the sky. Everyone is laying down and looking up, and we are
sitting in a circle with our heads in the center. as we are just relaxing, I pull out my classical guitar and start playing. It feels like a nice moment,
one you could only ever dream of (lol). Then they ask me "Andrew, why don't you just stay here?" I tell them I can't, that I never got the exposure I needed
from my home city, which is why I was leaving for a bigger one [I think I was jsut going to stay in the bigger city for a little bit, because I
planned on going back]. The attractice girl tells me "You should consider just living here. It's a nice place full of nice people."

[Scene changes to a rainy day, we are in a huge building, kind of a warehouse store with a big pavilion.]

We are hanging out, and this time the asian guy is with us. We are all wearing some sort of jacket or poncho, we are dressed for the weather. The
asian guy wants to hear me play some electric guitar and I just kind of play some stuff for him, and he asks me a whole bunch of questions about it.
(beginning isn't really relevant to anything)

I think I got my car fixed and was heading home (I had called and my family knew where I was). The girl said to me I should stay here, with her and
everyone else. She said "It's a good place to settle down. its nice and quiet, noone knows who you are here. You can be whoever you want. We all have our
demons, and it's a good place to bury them"

I tell her and everyone that I love them, but I need to get going. [It's then that I realize girl1 likes me.]

On the ride home, I think about what girl 1 says. [It has her saying what she told me as a narrative, with different scenes played over them. I feel
this is a powerful moment so I'll try to type it the best I can]

"It's a good palce to settle down."
(video is of houses and families in their front yards looking happy

"It's nice and quiet, noone knows who you are here, you can be whoever you want"
(video is of the sherrif or priest holding group picture of gang members)

"We all have our demons, and it's a good place to bury them"
(Asian guy has an army helmet and woodland BDU's with dog tags on a maniquin, with him sitting across the room looking at them in a blank stare)

I get home and I'm talking to my mother and girlfriend. My mom asks me how it was there, and I said it was pretty good. She asked me if I would ever want to
live there. I tell her I don't know. She asks what I plan for the future. I tell her "Well, I really want to get somewhere that can open doors for me,
but I want to be happy....you know....I wouldn't mind just living in good...springs" She laughs and says I should do what makes me happy. Julie then says
"you know, its funny that we are planning to lvie together in another town, we are only kids!" I get angry, and say "I'm not a fucking teenager,
I'm an adult now. You're the only kid here. You'll always be a kid even after you grow up." I tell my mother I'm leaving for goodsprings, and she said
"Do whatever makes you feel happy" and gives me a hug goodbye.

I get back to goodsprings and everyone is happy to see me. I get there and tell everyone I'm going to stay. Girl1 asks if I really think this is what
I want. I tell her that what I really want is to be with her, and we kiss.

Fade to black

End dream

Wow, that was way more then I wanted to type but I needed to write this down ASAP. I interpret my dream as

Me being worried about my future with music
My girlfriend being too immature for me
I forgot to mention, but I have never liked moving (I've lived in the same city of whole life), so I think my dream is telling me I may be happy if I decide to move.

I'd love to hear your interpretation. This dream has left me sad and depressed, but at the same time I feel informed.


whoa that is a weird dream. then again dreams are often weird.

my thoughts exactly

When I read this....this really rang a bell. Sometimes I have dreams of stuff that happens 2 years later, or stuff i picture in my mind. Dude, I had this exact dream a long time ago. Sometimes i have dreams of what my friends have seen that i havent, people they know that i never saw. That's nuts....well moving on.

Yeah man, you're dream is definitely speaking to you. I've had dreams like that. Sometimes i have dreams of people i've never met and may never meet, this could be the case. But maybe "goodsprings" is just a symbol for something new, a new city that is full of opportunity like it says, only a different city. You're in indiana, I could say Columbus is somewhat a city with musical opportunity. I would also say Nashville, but that's a far drive and tough competition.

Dreams are a projection of the subconscious and things we haven't even seen yet...i cant explain how that's possible. But, it seems like deep down inside you really aren't happy with these aspects of your life. Your girlfriend, you feel like she could be more than what she is perhaps? Maybe you should move to another town. With the right mindset and research, and collecting info from your friends even, you could be on your way to a better path.

Also, maybe even it's time for a vacation to think about things. I did that once, it really helped me think more now that i was away from where i lived. Well whatever the case man, follow your heart to the fullest and work with what ya got. Pursuit of happiness...that is freedom. Hope this helps some, hope everything works out.


Thanks for the words and advice, it's given me something to think about. I think i have too high of expectations of my girlfriend alot of times, so that must be what that was getting at.

WOW this can be a script for a drama movie.Any way my dreams are weirder one time I dreamt I was in the bath room and bloody marry came out of the miror and grabed me and then I vroke her fingers and she went back into the miror with screams.(I know I am some kind of maniac)

that is definitely weirder

I wish my dreams were this clear. Mine are just well... random and mixed up with my other dreams...

this is my first clear dream in a while, probably one of the most memorable too. I wish they were all like this.

Wow, how vivid. I can't really relate to it. My dreams feel more like slideshows. Images that rarely ever tell a story. I've had dreams that inspired me until I forgot all about them, but there has never been a time where a dream made me think about my life or where I'm heading. It may be because I'm too young to think so far ahead, but I think about it all the time when I'm awake. Shouldn't dreams be somewhat related to what we've been thinking about while awake?

Anyway, I'm no pyschologist, but I can only interpret your dream giving a message along the lines of "you've lived a long life for somebody so young, and that there are other places out there waiting for you."

Not that you should get up and go leave your hometown, but remember that the option is open. Maybe you realize you aren't getting the recognition you'd like from those around you. Maybe you just want to adventure to new places, only to see what you may be missing, if anything. I've lived in the same house since I was a baby, but I think all the time that I may not belong in my town or around the people near me. And may end up leaving the state once I get a solid adult life to transition into. I don't want to leave my close friends and family, I just want to see if the grass truly is greener on the other side.

Well, good luck with interpreting your dream. It's a wild one. :P

Recently I have been thinking that I havn't been getting much recognition as far as my music goes. I don't mean that in a cocky, "I;m better than everyone else" kind of way, I just know my music deserves some kind of recognition. I'd really like to visit Chernobyl, but other than that I can't say I've had much desire to leave my town. One thing I noticed when my dream was over, I felt sad and depressed. I also felt like I was settling, but I didn't care because I was happy. It was all very confusing.

Thanks for the interpretation and comments.

Just keep doing your music... don't complain.
John Petrucci says that the only trick to get better is to practice and practice.

I didn't mean to come off as complaining, I'm not a complainer.

After re-reading what I typed, I honestly don't know where you are coming from.

I think what you look for is some space, to inspire you.
Do value your town though, i dont know how well you know the people in your town and how well they know you, but get to know eachother better before you decide to move to another place. :)